剧情:Super cold Macedonian action fantasy! Sometimes I think it's a pity that movies like this don't get the exposure they deserve - few people will like them... But sometimes, I think the lack of exposure is the reason for this film - if independent film is the mainstream, it will not be an independent film, right?... So, The best thing I can say is "; Zbogum na 20 cars"; this is a great movie, but not everyone is suitable for it. This story is quite controversial, and the degree of blood and blood on the screen is quite high (which makes American horror films in the 1990s look like kindergarten cartoons) , clip... Well, it is too uneven and may cause vomiting... However, if you have the courage to see these things, you will probably like this movie because it is really full of passion. If you don't like it, watch it again... Once you know what happened in the movie, you can find all the small details more easily. These details not only make the scene look cooler, but also more profound (I have a theory that the whole movie can only be viewed through symbols, but it is too long to write here)... My friends didn't like it at first, but after watching it for two or three times, they thought it was at least worthy of respect, even if it wasn't completely wonderful... So if you can find this movie, go and see it. 9.5/10

