剧情:On the Edge of the World "chronicles the controversial Ocean Guardian Antarctic movement, which opposes the Japanese whaling fleet. International volunteer crew members have developed a strange and clever strategy to stop whalers despite insufficient training and equipment. But first of all, they must find Japanese ships, which is a much more difficult challenge than previously thought - Paul Watson, a long-term activist, and Alex Cornelinson, the first captain, adopted a series of strategies to find an elusive opponent in the vast Ross Sea. As one ship (Farley Mowat) was too slow to catch up with the whaling fleet, their second ship (Robert Hunter) was not suitable for the freezing conditions in the Antarctic, and there was no country to support their efforts to implement international law, the situation became increasingly desperate. However, despite numerous difficulties, a real-life pirate story unfolded - a modern "pirate" story; David to Goliath; Adventure author Dan Stone


