

Une folle envie d'aimer:故事简介

偏执狂》由翁贝托·伦齐担任导演,联合主演:卡罗尔·贝克,洛乌·卡斯特尔等全明星阵营的电影,截至2024-05-04在花蝴蝶在线观看187次,并收获好评弹幕2条。《偏执狂》情节简介:This film is a highly entertaining psychological thriller in which Carol Baker plays a wealthy American widow who escapes all this in a secluded Italian villa. Playing tricks on his lucky playboy, Lu Castel, and his clever trendsetter seduction skills have some gold rush motivations behind them. He doesn't hesitate to get what he wants. "He encouraged Beck's early alcoholism and suspicious self-esteem, introduced what he called his" sister, "and helped Beck fall further into the labyrinth of pathological psychological games, drug addiction, and collective behavior, all of which ultimately led to a near crazy and self-destructive decline.". I won't reveal it any more. It can be said that this film exhibits the characteristics of its volatile 1960s, Europe's squalid atmosphere, and psychological suspense thriller. Director Umberto Renzi's work is at best uneven, and he's just making a mountain out of a molehill. However, he made some pretty good Jallow and crime movies in the 1960s and 1970s, and this is one of them (Renzi's other good movies - "SPASMO," "Seven Bloody Orcs," "Assassination of Lethal Weapons," and so on). Unfortunately, this film is often confused with another good but not very good Renzi film, which was briefly released in the United States under the same PARANOIA title (but more widely known, especially in the video, known as "The Quiet Land of Killing").蝴蝶影院免费在线电影网站!立即订阅 www.vschang2018.cn,提供《Une folle envie d'aimer》完美无遗憾高清版本在线观看免费完整版,蝴蝶影院是一家主打无VIP限制和广告打扰的在线影视网站!本站推荐好看的惊悚类电影,感受无与伦比的视觉盛宴!经典电影大全完整版不容错过!

